Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Get Clean!

So you recognize the importance of using earth-friendly products... congrats! That is the first step. Now, it's just a matter of figuring out how to take that next step! That's where I come on!

I challenge you... suit up with gloves and a face mask and cautiously head to your cleaning cupboard at home. It's time to do some label reading! Do any of your current cleaners have chlorine, phenol, ammonia, or formaldehyde in it? Red flag folks! Or how about this... the front of your cleaner claims "fresh lemon scent", but if you look on the back of the container it indicates "do not inhale fumes"... hmmm, seems fishy doesn't it? Why take the chance of harming yourself, your family, your pets & children, and the environment? Check out this website, and research your cleaning products!

Allow yourself to experience the benefits of Get Clean and enter into the "going green" movement! Here are a list of the benefits of the Get Clean products:
  1. all natural
  2. non-toxic
  3. ultra concentrated
  4. biodegradable
  5. hypoallergenic
  6. extremely effective - actually outperforms 12 national brands
  7. 100% recylable packaging
  8. by purchasing kit you eliminate 248 lbs of greenhouse gas
  9. by purchasing kit you keep 108 lbs of packaging waste out of the landfills
  10. formulated without hazardous chemicals
  11. 100% money-back guaranteed
  12. no phosphates, nitrates, borates, etc...
  13. no animal testing
  14. sustainable ingredients from natural sources

Get this, you would have to spend $3400 in the grocery store to get the equivalent amount of clean as you would receive in the Get Clean kit for only $176! Not to mention, you won't be needed to purchase again for a good while because it lasts for so long! Here are just some of the products you would have to purchase at the grocery:

  • 60 bottles of Fantastik
  • 32 bottles of Mop & Glo
  • 728 bottles of Windex
  • 1 bottle of Woolite
  • 1 container of Clorox wipes
  • 1 bottle of Soft Scrub
  • 2.5 boxes of Cascade
  • 2 boxes of Tide
  • 3 bottles of Downy
  • 1 box of Bounce

Check out my Get Clean website - click here: